Mental Illness Awareness Week

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October 4, 2015 

Message from Their Excellencies
on the Occasion of Mental Illness Awareness Week

OTTAWA— Whether it comes on as a sudden crisis or is an ongoing struggle that must be endured, mental illness can be terrifying. The simplest tasks become monumental; the day-to-day routine overwhelms. 

Far too many people suffer in silence, bearing equal parts of shame and fear. Afraid of being discovered, of not being ‘strong enough’ to overcome their conditions, many will not seek the help they so desperately need. 

It is time for us to end the stigma. Mental Illness Awareness Week is dedicated to creating a national discussion on mental health, and we urge all Canadians to take part. Because when we open the lifelines of communication and compassion, the silence is broken. And healing can begin.                                              

David and Sharon Johnston 



This year, Mental Illness Awareness Week is celebrated
from October 4 to 10.


Media information

Marie-Pierre Bélanger
Rideau Hall Press Office


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