National Acadian Day

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August 15, 2015

Message from the Governor General of Canada
on the Occasion of National Acadian Day

OTTAWA—I am delighted to mark National Acadian Day. I believe that different cultures, languages and traditions enrich our nation tremendously.

For hundreds of years, Canada has benefited from the unique perspective and significant contribution of the Acadian people. Their fascinating and moving history includes their original migration from France, their deportation in 1755 and their subsequent return to the Atlantic region after 1763, followed by the Acadian renaissance. Their resilience is a source of inspiration, and today, Acadians continue to demonstrate a remarkable sense of identity.  

On this special day, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to the Acadian community.    Let us take this opportunity to celebrate this vibrant culture!

David Johnston


Each year, National Acadian Day is celebrated on August 15.

Media information:

Julie Rocheleau
Rideau Hall Press Office

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