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Ottawa, Ontario, Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Good morning WE Day family!!
Thank you for such a warm welcome!
We just saw the stories of six remarkable Canadians.
All of you have several things in common with them.
You all have a great story to tell!
In fact, your stories contribute to community building and to helping others in need.
And I want you to tell your stories.
Because I want your “Me to We” example of giving to inspire others!
As we get ready to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday in 2017, let me ask you a question: What will your gift be to Canada and to your fellow Canadians?
Well, I have a challenge for you to take back home. Two challenges, actually!
The first is to ask as many of your friends what they can do to move from “me” to “we” in 2017.
The second challenge? Ask each of those friends to do the same thing!
In this way, we inspire others to be part of this wonderful WE Day family!
Each of you is living the “we” lifestyle and I urge you to keep on pursuing your passions and renewing your commitment to giving.
Thanks for your efforts and keep up the good work!!